五角场SOHO 3Q | IFG伊波莱茨建筑设计
阅读:4833 2019-09-06

Coworking spaces are workplaces for new encounters - places where you can meet interesting people and create new things together.



Coworking spaces such as SOHO 3Q Wujiaochang are places that buzz with energy, a place where you can meet interesting people and create new things together. IFG transformed a Shanghai department store from the 1980s to a stimulating coworking environment.

五角场SOHO 3Q联合办公空间是一个生机勃勃的办公空间,充满着未知和惊喜。一个共享办公空间意味着交流与思想的碰撞,聚集了许多思想家和行动派,能够在其工作的人找到志同道合的伙伴构建起新的办公模式。IFG将一座位于五角场商圈的八十年代飞起百货商场进行精心改造,打造出了这样一个联合办公楼,为不同需求的人群提供了多样的创新空间。

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The heart of the building - the campus
In Wujiaochang, a trendy district with numerous shopping malls near universities, arose a 14,000-sqm and five-storey coworking space. Via the two-level campus on the ground floor, the energy of the whole space connects with the pulse of the city. The campus forms the centrepiece of the building: a two-level community hub designed for business talks, presentations, formal and spontaneous meetings. A new spiral staircase makes a bold sculptural gesture, connecting all upper floors and ensuring that creative community life continues on every level.

五角场毗邻上海多所知名高校和多家购物中心,总计五层的14,000平SOHO 3Q共享办公坐落在其中,成为了城市生活的一个交叉点。进入一层大堂,首先会路过一个“校园区”。它内设一个夹层,构成整座大厦的核心。人们在这里畅谈业务、聆听讲座,或平静而简单地享受闲暇之余。大堂中间的旋转楼梯作为公共区最大设计亮点,如同一座雕塑,连接大厦各个楼层的公共空间,使整个环境更加活跃。

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Communication offers on all floors
On each of the five levels, users are welcomed in a central reception area. Around the reception area is grouped a diverse array of communication areas: small and large conference rooms, cafeterias and more concentrated work spaces, such as small conference niches, alcoves and acoustically shielded telephone booths. Separate private offices in denominations of two to 30 workstations offer an easily scalable, flexible work environment for a total of 2.500 people.


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A place longing for professional ambitions
In order to zone such a large area into identifiable spaces, each level is dedicated to a well-known personality, who effected a revolutionary change in perception in their particular field of endeavour: portraits of Ieoh Ming Pei, Steve Jobs, Marie Curie, Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison decorate the walls and give each level its unique identity. Individual graphic and colour concepts provide a further means of differentiation. The five levels thereby become work heavens for your particular professional ambitions.


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