曼谷J Residence J住宅 | TROP景观事务所
阅读:6289 2020-02-17


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Project Statement

J 住宅坐落于曼谷郊区一个古老高尔夫球场旁的空地上,占地面积 0.6hm2(1.5 英亩),这个私人花园的主人是一位较年长的单身人士。住宅景观的设计不仅仅需满足视觉美观,还将作为住宅的延伸部分使用,景观的布局最大限度地为户主提供生活所需,一系列 “花园房间”的设计旨在满足户主日常活动的不同功能需求。

Built on an empty1.5-acre plot right next to an old golf course in the outskirts of Bangkok, this private garden represented the life of its lone owner, a senior bachelor. The landscape did not only act as an eye candy, but also used as extension parts of the house itself. The masterplan addressed the needs of the owner right from the very moment he arrived home. A series of ‘Garden Rooms’ were strategically purposed to serve different functions for the owner throughout each day.

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Project Narrative


J residence is a private house of a senior bachelor, a successful businessman, who lived with his service assistants. To keep himself company, the owner usually invited his friends to visit and enjoy the facilities at his residence. Eventually the house was not enough to serve his purposes, so the design team strategically created the garden as extended parts of the house and called them ‘Garden Rooms’.

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Other than his work and his travelling, the owner normally spent a major portion of his time at home. The landscape was designed to serve him right from the moment he arrived home. The Arrival court was proposed as a clean and simple courtyard right in front of his doorstep. The road surface was kept at minimum, just enough to connect the Arrival Court and parking lots. 2 major landscape elements, the Tree Gallery and the Main Axis Corridor, were used as circulation backbones, leading the owner and his guests to different parts throughout the site.

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“花园房间”位于主要通道的两侧,每个“房间”都具有特定的功能,例如活动室、聚会室、游戏室、客厅、阅览室、餐厅等。当然,这些房间不同于室内的房间,因为这些“房间” 是有生命的,它们由地被植物、灌丛、树篱、乔木等绿色元素构成。它们之间没有被混凝土墙隔开,微风可以从中吹过;绿色的树冠则是这些“房间”的天花板,阳光倾泻而下,静静地洒落在地面上。

‘Garden Rooms’ were attached along the main circulation corridors. Each was similarly used as rooms in typical house, such as function room, party room, play room, sitting room, reading room, dining room, etc. However, these rooms were different from interior rooms because they were ‘Living’ rooms. These rooms were basically made of ‘Living’ elements, groundcovers, shrubs, hedges, and trees. They were not separated by concrete walls, letting the wind flowing through. Their ceilings consisted of green canopies, allowing sunlight to get in.

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与西方花园不同的是,泰国的花园不仅是为了视觉美观,它们也是可以食用的。自古以来,泰国人喜欢在后院种植想要食用的东西,泰语中叫作“Pak SuanKrua”,字面意思是“厨房花园”,J住宅也采用了相似的做法。而与当地花园有所不同的是,乍一看它的外观很像是一个英式花园。

Unlike western gardens, Thai gardens were not only for visual purposes, they were also edible. Since the ancient time, we planted what we wanted to eat in our backyard, calling it ‘Pak SuanKrua’, literally meaning ‘Kitchen Garden’. The same concept was also applied at J Residence. The only different was that here, at first glance, it appeared just like an English garden.

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Adjacent to an old golf course, even though previously empty, the site of J Residence was already surrounded by pleasant scenery. To maximize the potential of the garden, the design team strategically blurred the borderline. Instead of setting the boundary to separate the garden from its surrounding, Reflecting Pond was proposed at the edge to integrate the garden with the neighboring golf course.

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景观设计 / Landscape design: TROP: terrains +open space

设计总监 / Lead Designer: Pok Kobkongsanti

设计团队 / Project Team: Pinmanee Lamor, Chonfun Atichat, Pattanee Ukam

建筑设计 / Architecturedesign: Architects 49 House Design Limited

室内设计 / Interiordesign: Architects 49 House Design Limited

摄影 / Photographer: Wison Tungthunya (W Workspace)

面积 / Area: 6,370 m2

建成时间 / Project Year: 2015


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