星河丹堤运动能量场,惠州 | 法国埃尔萨景观设计事务所
阅读:4350 2021-04-17


Down the hill, Dash Energy Sport Field


©mushakesa / VectorStock


Overview:Huizhou Galaxy Dandi is located in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Big Bay District,nearby Huizhou South Railway Station and the Ya Gong-Ding Forest Park。The total area of the project covers 1.5 million square meters, the architecture surface is about 2.6 million square meters, which is one of the biggest communities in Huizhou. The developer Galaxy Huidong company considers the future resident population of the community will be more than 30,000 people, so in their urban planning they planned to do a large number of public facilities constructions. Located on the east side of the Galaxy Dandi, the Galaxy Sport Park is an important section of community activities in the whole public facilities construction planning.


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场地概况|Site Statement


The project site is located at the foot of the east side of the Dandi hill, with an area of about 28,000 m2, adjacent to the large area of an existing residential buildings in the west, and Fengtian reservoir to the east, forming a natural climate innate, providing superior natural conditions for building an all-round activities park.

▼场地改造前现状 Before the reconstruction

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There has an existing community activity center building, so our landscape design mission will also consider its function and surrounding site updates, improve the main entrance, parking area, rest & leisure area, other buffer functions of landscape updates.


When the designer is on the spot investigation, the reservoir that discovers to live near at hand is beautiful.Therefore, the designer adopts the way of borrowing scenery, which does not belong to the park originally, and visually integrates the interior scenery of the park with the scenery of the reservoir, which reflects the unity of "harmony".


设计策略|Design Strategy


The topography of the site follows the north-east side of the hill, down the trend, the maximum difference of the level is about 15 meters, which can be used to shape the terrain. Designers want to be able to create three-dimensional activity spaces: Firstly, combined with the difference of the levels, the outdoor activities need all kinds of places, all-age activity areas and children's activity areas and other places for the layout; Secondly, the jogging runway is used to connect the various venues in series to strengthen the link of outdoor sport.

▼场地空间布局策略 Function layout strategy

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The park will be opened for all- age people, such as the parents, the children as well as sport enthusiasts. Then, the designers have planned some multi-functional layout, as the regular small football field, X- basketball court, dynamic tennis court, multi-functional sport field, skateboarding court, leisure sport and X-sport venues interspersed with integration. The designer fully considered the relationship between light and various sport conflicts, they try to avoid the south- north direction preventing glare from the sun.


▼全民运动主题分布 Sport Theme Layout Design


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The principle of layout follows changes in the terrain: the designer places the largest football field in a flat area of the site, the football field was put in the form of a 1 plus 2, the two mini practice pitches are integrated into a large field to meet more different sport needs; while the north side of the site has the most complex and steepest terrain, then our designers thought for children's activity area. With consideration of safety factors, they designed a rich, exciting playground for the children.

▼公园设计平面布局 Sport Park Master plan


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▼公园剖面示意 Section Design

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公共空间的景观性设计| landscape design for public space


There are many different public spaces in the Dandy community, but there is no space similar to the project. The park combines indoors and outdoors spaces to provide many public leisure spaces for sports and various parent-children activities. The main color of the site is blue-gray, sometimes we use orange as the jump color to put in evidence some special activities. Silicone is used as the main ground material, combination of colorful EPDM and colored asphalt. The spaces link fluently, to enhance atmosphere of the overall activities, to optimize the activities experiences.


▼打造社区中的户外活动 Create an outdoor activity neighborhood in the community

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▼色彩缤纷的活动乐园  Colorful playground

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▼朝气蓬勃的极限篮球场 Vibrant X- basketball court

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▼自然野趣的蹦床花园 Natural and wild Trampoline Garden

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▼网球场空间 Tennis court

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▼空间细节 Detail design

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Halfway up the hill under the landscape space, we don't want to interrupt event venue contact with natural ecological landscape area, with a simple and natural landscape, through the plant and flexible configuration space and green space, such as some rubble stone material, arc planting space, surrounded by tree-lined space, bring people into being naturally embrace from the details.

激活社区公共行为多样性|Activating the diversity of public behavior in community

▼活力社区 Active comminity

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▼亲子时光 Family time

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建设过程中的记录报告|Report for The Construction Site


After several months of construction, through the cooperation and efforts of Galaxy client, designers, construction and equipment teams, Galaxy Dandi Sports Park has entered the trial stage. During the construction period, according to the requirements of Galaxy client and the construction site situation, the designer closely cooperates, follows up the progress of the site construction, in the completion of acceptance, the designer and Galaxy client experience all kinds of equipment in the site together. Through the first-hand experience of their own design results, designers combined with on-site inspection, experiential learning, which will strengthen the ability to make up for the shortcomings. We believe the experiential learning has a very intuitive effect.


▼现场施工过程 Site Operation

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▼设计师体验场地 Site Inspection

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▼设计师亲身测试活动器械 The designer personally tests the equipment


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The purpose of this park design is to make a public development sports place for the surrounding residents. People oriented, taking into account the functional needs and the nature of landscape optimization, in the form of a park to provide a good place suitable for the activities of community owners.After it was completed and put into operation, it has been well received by residents and owners. We look forward to presenting more outstanding works in the future.

项目设计&完成年份:2019.09 – 2021.03
主创及设计团队:皮埃尔 阿兰、赖韵琪、张惠英、陈希尧、赵娟


Project name: Down the hill, Dash Energy Sport Field-Galaxy Sport Park

Design year & Completion Year: 2019.09-2021.03
Leader designer & Team: Pierre Alain Freour, Vicky Lai, Zhang huiying, Chen xiyao, Zhao Juan
Project location: Huishounan
Gross Built Area: 28220㎡
Clients: Huizhou Galaxy

client team:Zhou Qiang, Wu Shipeng, Guang Zhicheng, Wang Anzhou

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