SWA | 2021 地球日:亲密无间的景观
阅读:2517 2021-04-23

A growing body of research makes it clear that experiencing natural environments is good not just for our bodies, but for our mental well-being.For this year’s Earth Day, we asked SWA staff to describe and depict an outdoor place that has held particular meaning for them during the past year.


From trails to gardens, backyards to beaches, the outdoors has been a source of respite and renewal. Check out the contents below to sample the variety of terrain and thoughts that have sustained us.



For more, see our gallery below for staff submissions.


© Zhilan Song 宋之兰


This is Dali, Yunnan. The pandemic has changed our life a lot, but here everything seems go as usual. Like everyone else, I enjoy the short escape here, feeling the vast nature."

-Zhilan Song 宋之兰

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© Yu Shi 石钰


The camels along the highway are the real owners of the desert, strolling around and welcoming us as alien visitors."

--Yu Shi 石钰

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© John Loomis

“ 能在大自然的正前方,开启新的一天,实在太好了! 拍摄于San Rafeal 的Baypoint湖边, 我家后院的露台上。

Always great to start the day mentally with nature front and center! From my back deck at Baypoint Lagoons, San Rafael."

-John Loomis

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© Jonah Susskind

“ 过去大部分的日子里,我的每一天都是从金门公园里这片有着百年历史的红木林漫步开始的。这里的森林被密集的城市肌理所包围,为人们提供了一个宁静的庇护所,让我想起了旧金山湾区广阔的生态环境。

I start most of my days with a walk through this 100-year-old redwood grove in Golden Gate Park. Surrounded by dense urban fabric, the forest here offers a peaceful refuge for reflection, and reminds me of the Bay Area’s broader ecological context.” 

-Jonah Susskind

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© Kelly Mathiesen

“ 这是我家乡(加州圣克莱门特)后山的一条小路。这些步道是疫情期间为数不多的未关闭的步道之一,是人们逃离城市生活和过去一年急剧变化的世界的快速途径。我和我的狗狗Rudy喜欢漫步于这条小径,因为每一季的植物都有显著的变化,总能看到一些新的东西。这张照片是这边下了很多雨之后拍的,野田芥开始开花了!

This is a trail in the back hills of my hometown (San Clemente, CA). These trails were some of the few that were not closed during COVID, and served as a quick escape from urban life and the drastically-changing world of the past year. My dog, Rudy, and I love visiting this trail because the planting changes significantly from season to season, and it always offers something new to see. This picture was taken after we got a lot of rain and the wild mustard started to bloom!”

-Kelly Mathiesen

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© Andrew Gressett 

“ 在数不清的居家生活以及长时间的独处后,有一些让人平静的假期 —— 比如这次去塞多纳的旅行 ——让我们呼吸到了新鲜空气,放松了精神。感激这些风景,以及它们为我们的身心带来的触动,让我们感受到一切都不是理所当然的了。

After countless hours inside, working from home, and long periods of isolation, there are the calming vacations – like this trip to Sedona – that allow us to breathe in the fresh air and take that mental break. Appreciating these landscapes and what they provide for us both physically and mentally will never be taken for granted again."

-Andrew Gressett 

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© Kerri Da Silva

“ 我们后院的蜂园为我们提供了非常急需的消遣和社交联系:在德州野花季节监控我们的蜂群,在7月采集蜂蜜,8月在路边出售……在德州冬季风暴中屏住呼吸,祈求蜜蜂能幸存。

Our backyard beeyard has provided a much-needed distraction and social connection as we monitored our colonies through the Texas Wildflower season, gathered honey during July, sold it roadside in August… and held our breath as the bees survived the Texas winter storm."

-Kerri Da Silva

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© Fran Hegeler


A daily, early morning swim in San Francisco Bay has been my pandemic routine and lifeline. The water is reliably cold but otherwise wonderfully variable: smooth, crisp, rough, satiny, etc.  And the changing light is transporting."

-Fran Hegeler

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© Allison Pino 

“'The places between places' 对我来说,是今年最具意义的世外桃源。户外景点到处人满为患,而这里却是另一番景象——从前被忽视和低估的空间——成为了理想的绿洲。

The places between places” became the most meaningful spots of respite this year. Outdoor destinations filled with crowds, so the spaces in between – previously overlooked and underappreciated – became the ideal oases.”

-Allison Pino 

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© Susan George


One of my “ballerinas” at the park."

-Susan George

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© Raymond Siu


Just a few minutes outside of the city, I take a deep breath looking at the majestic reservoir sitting in the canyon below. It’s meditative: pedaling and pushing up the hills and coasting down through the winding paths. I love knowing that scenes like this are being preserved for generations to come."

-Raymond Siu

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© Ayaka Matthews


Nature is always there for us, embracing us, and giving us comfort no matter what happens in our society. This is Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve.”

-Ayaka Matthews

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© Monica Streeper


I frequent New York’s Central Park on the weekends to walk, run, ride my bike, or meet friends for “pandemic picnics.” I don’t think I could have functioned in the city this year without it."

-Monica Streeper

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© Shaun Loomis


The Potholes, Silver Fork of the American River – natural waterpark, free admission!"

-Shaun Loomis

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© David Lloyd


The ocean continues to be a place of awe, inspiration, and recreation. Riding a wave that has travelled long distance across our planet reminds me how connected we all are and part of something bigger."

-David Lloyd

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© Sarah Fitzgerald


Moving during a pandemic wasn’t easy, and made it especially hard to feel connected to my new home. I was so grateful to discover the vibrant Promise of Peace Community Garden in my new neighborhood; getting my hands dirty volunteering alongside the youth interns (and my neighbors) always leaves me feeling renewed and inspired."

-Sarah Fitzgerald

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© Bill Tatham


Along with the pandemic, we had to deal with wildfires near our home. To escape, we often went out to the Sonoma Coast. The clean air and expansive view are a reminder that these challenges are temporary – the earth is in it for the long haul."

-Bill Tatham

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© Sergio Lima


My garden has been a wonderful oasis for natural escapism throughout the last year. I started working on it in February 2020, together with my partner and my neighbors, and pretty much completed the project 12 months later. Every morning our first thought is to peep into the garden to check out the new blossoms!"

-Sergio Lima


We are conscious of the earth every day, and share a reverence for nature and its value in the work that we do. Now, more than ever, we find that #natureworks to refresh and invigorate.

Happy Earth Day!

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作为一名激进的环保主义者和商界领袖,内森尼尔始终坚信,建筑师在保护地球的有限资源方面担负着不容忽视的责任。这也是 SOM 作为一家全球性事务所在之后几十年间始终秉持的设计理念。
2020-04-23SOM设计事务所 地球日 可持续性  阅读:4132


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