阅读:3716 2022-07-13



The Metaverse is a virtual or digital space that maps and intertwines with the real world, a digital living space with a new ecosystem. Based on blockchain and artificial intelligence technology, Metaverse will further realize space-time expansion and economic value-added, and become the next generation of Internet applications and social forms. In the metaverse, we strive to realize the symbiosis of the virtual and the real in the social system, production system, and economic system, and each user can edit the world, produce content, and own digital assets.


For the artists and creators, with the development of technology, more design possibilities can be explored in the virtual world. We are already building various scenarios in the metaverse, not only to find experiences but also to explore the possibility of intertwining with the real world, to virtualize the physical space, and functionalize the virtual space.


As production develops and customization continues to improve, each of us is getting closer to an opportunity to discover what truly belongs to us. At the same time, our lives have also changed accordingly. Communication has become more convenient. We have different ways to express ourselves through various media. We are also influenced by more information and face more choices. In the metaverse, each of us will be able to have a parallel world, build our own Shanghai, our own Tokyo, and our own Paris. In the metaverse, if design sovereignty is further handed over to individuals, thousands of people, thousands of faces and thousands of cities, how will we define our city, and how will we explore ourselves in this city? What kind of friends will I meet and how will we share the joy together? How will we create and how will we consume? Do we discard and how do we save? How will we vent our emotions, and how will we place our expectations?


The Metaverse seems to offer us an ideal opportunity where we can start simulating reality, and we can even start to explore on top of the virtual. When all assumptions are about to become a real experience, we also need to keep asking,:“where does the truth come from?”



主办单位:RIBA&REMAC TY设计科技智库



联合单位:Alibaba Design空间设计中心、芒果智娱、亿欧EqualOcean、BSI英国标准协会、设计深圳、上海平行宇宙网络科技有限公司、ShanghaiBIM、普钛智库,更多单位持续邀请中...


院校支持:UCL,AA School,西交利物浦大学,宁波诺丁汉大学,清华大学,东南大学,同济大学,哈尔滨工业大学,华南理工大学,湖南大学,西安建筑科技大学,重庆大学,上海交通大学,深圳大学,更多院校持续邀请中...

媒体支持:元宇宙头条网、加密之家、元宇宙云课堂、 ARCHINA建筑中国、ArchDaily、地建师、建筑档案、环球建筑、造么、等多家知名专业媒体联名发布,更多媒体持续邀请中...

Founder: RIBA, World Architecture Technology Innovation Conference

Organizer: RIBA&REMAC TY (Guangzhou)Cityroom & Design Thinktank

Organizer: RIBA Business Information Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Co-organizer: REMAC TY

Co- Creative: Alibaba Design, Shanghai Mangoo Intelligent Joy Tech.co.ltd, EqualOcean, BSI, Design Shenzhen, Shanghai Parallel Universe Network Technology Co., Ltd., ShanghaiBIM, Puti Think Tank, and more units continue to invite...

Enterprise and Government Support:Shanghai Lingang Economic Development (Group) Co., Ltd., Haikou Jiangdong New Area Administration, Chengdu Tianfu New Area Park City Investment Development Co.ltd, and more units continue to invite...

Supporting School: UCL, AA School, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, University of Nottingham Ningbo, Tsinghua University, Southeast University, Tongji University, Harbin Institute of Technology, South China University of Technology, Hunan University, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Chongqing University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shenzhen University, and more schools continue to invite...

Cooperative Media: Meta-First, METAHOME, Metaverse Cloud Classroom, AR China, ArchDaily, DJSER, ARCH-ive, Archiglobal, ZaomeDesign, and many other well-known professional media jointly released, more media Continu to invite...


2022 RIBA 100位元宇宙创作者:


2022 RIBA 100 Young Creator in Metaverse: Certificate of Award, Exhibition of Works, and Promotion Opportunities

“2022 RIBA 十大元宇宙城市作品”:


2022 RIBA 10 Best City in Metaverse: Trophies, works exhibition and forum promotion, video promotion, NFT cooperation recommendation


本次竞赛项目由RIBA-锐建协商务信息咨询(上海)有限公司发起及支持,RIBA&REMAC TY设计科技智库发布,力求为每一个现实城市在元宇宙开拓新空间,探索这座城市在数字世界文化延展可能性,更进一步起到从现实与虚拟两个维度宣传“我的城市”的效果,在此向全球艺术家和设计师征集未来城市以及城市文化生活相关概念设计方案,设计本身将必须从意欲表达的城市文化与内涵出发。颂赞我们所热爱的城市,同时放眼未来,体现当代年轻设计师的前瞻性及创造力,并通过线上线下多维宣传,提升在大设计产业链人群中的关注度。

Led by REMAC TY and supported by RIBA via RIBA Business Information Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. this festival is committed to open up a new space for every existing city in the metaverse, exploring the possibility of cultural extension in the digital world, and further promoting "My City" from both reality and virtuality. This project solicits conceptual design proposals related to future cities and urban cultural life from artists and designers around the world. Praise the city we love, and at the same time look to the future, reflect the forward-looking and creativity of contemporary young designers, and increase the attention of the crowd in the large design industry chain through online and offline publicity.


The ideas festival will feature three themes, including:


The ID: In the metaverse, create an identity for an existing city, which can be a specific place, such as a monument, park, or square, or a certain type of visual element, which has commemorative and symbolic meanings. It can even be a series of objects or clothing or character settings. In order to bring higher recognizability to the city and provide spiritual sustenance for residents to seek identity and belonging, all designs must be integrated with the urban scene. It is also possible to design and conceive an entire city based on the spatial topology or the way of experience.


Commune: In the metaverse, propose ways to create and share value. The premise is to express how to create and explore value and how to share value based on the existing cultural life of a city. The work can be an industrial building, such as a comprehensive production facility, which can be used to study the virtual creation mode, or a shopping mall or exhibition hall, which can study the virtual sharing mode.


My life: How will I exist in the metaverse and how can my personal identity change? All of these discussions also need to be based on my actual state of existence in the current city. The work can be character design (character design must be presented in conjunction with urban scenes), or residential, to express my life style.








Participants start from any existing city, and the final design result should be based on highlighting the inherent characteristics of the real city and excavating the humanistic connotation of the city, and extend it in a hyper-real environment. The works cannot be completely separated from the existing intrinsic cultural expression of the real city, but the degree of extension can be determined by the designer. For example, the designer can reduce the restrictions of real physical conditions in the digital virtual world.


.The basic principle of this ideas festival is to fully excavate the cultural connotation of the existing city and give full play to it in the field of virtual reality, so as to construct distinct urban characteristics, urban identity, urban connotation, place spirit, and urban aesthetics;


. The main purpose of this ideas festival is to explore the social relationship between people, residents and cities in the virtual world, making full use of digital technology and combining the inherent humanistic foundation;


.The concept extension of this ideas festival is to fully explore the connotation of dematerialization and the relationship between man and nature, city and nature in the digital virtual world



.Highlight the theme of My Future City in Metaverse

There are no restrictions on design methods in this ideas festival. Designers can explore various aspects from application scenarios to specific item realization. Item realization or character design needs to be combined with urban theme scenes.



Studio Linfors (Clouds Architecture Office), Cloud Skippers, 2009. ©Studio Lindfors.


Ridley Scott, Blade Runner, 1982. © Warner Bros 2014.


Heinz Schulz-Neudamm, (1898-1969): Metropolis, 1926. New York, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). Lithograph, printed in colour, 83 X 36 1/2’ (210.8 x 92.7cm.). Gift of Universum Film.


Otomo, Katsuhiro, Akira – Destruction of Neo-Tokyo, 1982-1990, AKIRA ⓒ Katsuhiro Otomo / MASH • ROOM / Kodansha .Ltd. 


Oscar Newman, Nuke Proof Manhattan, Esquire Magazine, December 1969. © Courtesy of Kopper Newman.


Kenneth Garland, David Jefferis, Future Cities, Usborne Books, 1979. Reproduced from Future Cities by permission of Usborne Publishing, 83-85 Saffron Hill,London EC1N 8RT, UK. www.usborne.com. Copyright © 1979 Usborne Publishing Ltd.


ONYX, ‘Parasec City’, Signature Michaël B. Hinge, 1968-1970, Sérigraphie surpapier, 73.5 x 58.5 cm, Photographie : François Lauginie, Collection FRAC Centre, Orléans.


Shimizu Corporation, Green Float, 2004. © Image Courtesy of Shimizu Corporation, 2014.


Claire Rickert, Drop City, Photograph, 1965. Courtesy, Claire Rickert.


Arthur Quarmby, ‘Corn on the Cob’, 1962, Tirage sur papier, 42 x 71 cm, Photographie: François Lauginie, Collection FRAC Centre, Orléans.


Friedman, Yona (b. 1923): Spatial City, project, Aerial perspective, 1958.New York, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). Ink on tracing paper, 8 3/8 x 10 3/4’ (21.3 x 27.3cm). Gift of the Howard Gillman Foundation.


Haus-Rucker-Co (Austria, established 1967-1992): Palmtree Island (Oasis) Project, New York, New York. Perspective, 1971. New York, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). Cut-and-pasted printed paper with gouache and graphite and cutand- pasted painted paper on silver gelatin photograph on board, 19 3/4 x 29 5/8” (50.2x 75.2 cm).Wendy Evans Joseph Purchase Fund.


Zaha Hadid Architects, One North Masterplan, Singapore, 2001-2021. Courtesy of Zaha Hadid Architects.


Environment Agency, Geomatics Group, Olympic Park, Point Cloud Data, October 2013. © Environment Agency copyright 2014. All rights reserved.


CRAB Studio (Peter Cook, Gavin Robotham, Lorene Faure), Soak City, East London, 2004.


Plasmastudio & Groundlab, Flowering Gardens, Longgang City, Shenzhen, China 2011. © Plasmastudio & Groundlab.


Matsys: Andrew Kudless (Design), Nenad Katic (Visualization), Tan Nguyen, Pia-Jacqlyn Malinis, Jafe Meltesen-Lee, Benjamin Barragan (Model), Sietch, Nervada, 2009.


R&Sie(n): François Roche, Stéphanie Lavaux, Jean Navarro & Benoît Durandin, I’ve Heard About It, 2005.



Must Include:


所有参赛者必须将方案整体呈现于不少于 1 张 A2纵向图版上(上限3张),150DPI,标注可读(页边距10mm),包含:





1. MP4格式动画,自洽循环文件(第一帧与最后一帧重合),时常不超过半分钟,1:1画幅,分辨率不小于1500x1500/2K;

2. GIF源文件;

3. JPEG格式图片文件,尺寸不小于3000x3000像素。

The submission must includes the schematic description board and the presentation file, and the requirements for the description board are as follows:

All contestants must present the scheme as a whole on A2 vertical layout (up to 3 boards), 150DPI, marked readable (margin 10mm), including:

-description text: less than 1200 words

-design description drawings and renders

-Registration number: located in the upper right corner of the drawing, font Arial, font size 20

The presentation file (format selected according to the work):

1. MP4, animation loop file (the first frame coincides with the last frame), less than half a minute, 1:1 frame, resolution should be 1500x1500/2K at least

2. GIF file

3. JPEG format picture file, larger than 3000x3000 pixel.


Optional Files:










Contestants may submit the following (not limited to) documents according to their needs:

-descriptinal animation: MP4 format, 1080p, within 3 to 5 minutes, less than 50mb

-Model file (FBX or OBJ format, including texture file),

Please name the files as concisely as possible and name the files according to the format of "Application No.-Program Name".

Language of submission: Chinese and English, or English only.

All drawings and text descriptions must be placed within the border provided by the organizer when submitting online.

Cover: The cover must be uploaded as the main visual of the work, with a size of 1045*654, 72dpi, within 2MB.

In all drawings and text descriptions, please do not disclose the participant's identity information (such as name, school/organization name, etc.), and any violation will result in disqualification.

All winning entries will be required to submit source files for curatorial promotion purposes.




2. 任何设计、艺术相关学科背景的从业人员、学生、爱好者均可参加,包括但不限于,产品设计、插画、服装设计、音乐、交互、建筑、公共艺术、室内、景观等专业设计师以及设计爱好者;



1. This ideas festival is dedicated to supporting young designers. Participants can be individuals or teams;

2. Practitioners, students and enthusiasts with any design or art-related discipline background can participate, including but not limited to professional designers such as product design, illustration, fashion design, music, interaction, architecture, public art, interior, landscape, etc. and design lovers;

3. Each work can be submitted to one category at most, other categories need to be re-created;

4. Team members must be indicated in the registration form. Changes in team members must be reported to the organizer by email.



竞赛发布 7月12日

竞赛报名表及作品提交 7月12日- 8月30日

竞赛评审 9月1日

竞赛结果发布 9月5日

颁奖及相关活动 另行通知

Publish: July 12

Submission’s deadline: August 30th

Results published September 5

Awards and related activities to be announced later



design content should be submitted with the registration form, and email to the address below:




In order to ensure that the email including the registration form does not exceed 20MB, please upload your works to the cloud drive and append the link to the submission email.




password: io5r











备受全球建筑业关注的2022 WATIC世界建筑科技创新大会将于2022年11月16日至18日在中国海口举办,WATIC大会是世界建筑科技创新集结地,聚集建筑科技领域的从业者、意见领袖、媒体、学者、投资人,以及关注该领域发展的跨界人士,主要聚焦于数字化技术、人工智能、智能建造以及技术创新在建筑行业的应用,加快传统建筑行业相关从业者的发展,势必要以数字化理念、科技赋能为引领,把握新一轮科技革命和产业变革带来的历史性机遇,进而抢占新经济发展的主动权。

ARCHINA 所有平台上发布的项目、招聘、资讯等内容,部分由第三方提供或系统自动收录。资料版权属于第三方,若信息不实或涉及版权问题,需要版权方和第三方沟通,ARCHINA 将配合对接,并在确认无误后删除涉及版权问题的信息,相应的法律责任均由资料提供方承担。
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