践行品牌承诺,设计提升人类体验 | DLR Group
阅读:4070 2023-06-16

DLR Group成立于1966年,是一家拥有超过55年历史的全球领先的美国建筑设计公司,提供建筑、工程、规划和室内设计等一体化的设计咨询。公司在全球拥有1400多名专业技术人员,在超过30个城市设有办公室,为各地客户提供高效便捷的本地化服务。

DLR Group的设计经验和涉及的领域非常广泛,其在中国的业务专注于教育建筑(包括基础教育和高等教育设施)、文化观演建筑(包括各类室内外演艺建筑、博物馆、画廊、图书馆和文化馆等设施)以及多功能城市综合体建筑(包括酒店、办公楼、大型商业和会展设施等城市综合体)。公司是国际上为数不多的拥有一流的建筑灯光、建筑声学、舞台机械、音视频、信息技术和各类实验室规划的专业工程师。除此之外,还提供标识和图案设计、绿建/零碳建筑和高性能建筑设计咨询等服务。


DLR Group是一家具有社会责任感的建筑设计公司。它是美国建筑师协会(AIA)以关注建筑业对气候变化的影响的“2030承诺”、倡导可持续建筑发展的 “2030挑战”以及中国勘察设计协会建筑分会和美国建筑师协会2021年年度金奖获得者爱德华·马兹瑞尔先生创立的“建筑2030” 合作的以关注建筑环境对气候影响的《中国协议》的大力倡议者和支持者。


Organized by Chief Journalist Evelyn Wu


Honored Guest

 Kevin Gent

DLR Group 国际运营总监

Kevin Gent是DLR Group国际运营团队的关键成员。在这个职位上,他支持业务发展活动、项目的战略和财务管理,并将自己的经验用于推进合同谈判、项目和员工管理、政府关系等过程。



Master of Architecture

Bachelor of Arts in Architecture

University of Washington

Registration, Accreditations, Affiliations

Architect: WA #4791, NCARB #54567, LEED Accredited Professional BD+C

American Institute of Architects, LEED AP BD+C, U.S. Green Building




International Projects Director


As an international practice leader of DLR, can you talk about your industry philosophy and management style?


DLR Group's brand commitment is to Elevate the Human the Experience Through Design, and everything we do is about design excellence. It's not just about the output of the design, but also about serving the clients and the people who will use the buildings that we create. As an integrated design firm, we like to bring as much in-house talent and expertise as possible to our projects, making it easier to communicate and collaborate internally toward better design solutions. This is a real advantage for clients. They receive better and more integrated design solutions from us because we can do this. That doesn't mean you can't collaborate with outside consultants, but it's more challenging. And so, working collaboratively with internal teams we are dedicated and aligned to the same vision of what we want to accomplish for our projects, our clients, and as a design firm. We believe that by operating as an integrated design firm, we produce better design work. 


In terms of management style, I think it is about being present.  Being in the locations where we do our work, so that we can support our clients more directly. Because clients want someone they can talk to face to face, it's hard to gain trust if you're working on a project on the other side of the world. So, when finding a place full of opportunities, we tend to set up an office, get to know the culture and people of the place, interact directly with customers, and provide better service.


You have extensive experience in managing projects, government relations, etc. Can you share some best practices?


What I have learned over my long career is that at fundamental level the design process is the same. Th scale and complexity of the process changes with the size and complexity of the work but at its essence it is fundamentally the same. So, what does this mean?  It is about communication, project understanding, expectations, identifying challenges, and empowering teams.  The primary focus is on communication. Project failures often result from communication failures – within the team, between the design team and the client; or not coordinating with government officials and regulatory departments on a regular basis. One of the most important lessons for me is that whenever I set up any project, I need to first understand the project, and client needs and expectations. Then, make sure the project is set up for regular and frequent communication and collaboration, and that everyone's expectations are known.  Finally, get those expectations aligned so that everyone is moving the same direction.


Every project, no matter how big or small, requires a weekly meeting where only three things need to be discussed. First, does everyone understand their tasks for the next week or month? Second, what are the challenges or problems that hinder or prevent the progress of the work? Third, sharing information. I've found that the most powerful way to motivate a team to work hard is to share as much information as possible. Team members will feel like they are part of the solution, and will be willing to commit to the project if they are informed and made to feel a part of the team, rather than being treated as a production resource.


When you're working on a big project, it can seem very complicated. But if you distill it back down into the very basics of, it's still about design. It's still about how you go from design ideas and concepts and development a design, while keeping a team moving forward to deliver great work.


What are your views and suggestions on leading multinational teams to project success?

Kevin:领导跨国团队是一项艰苦的工作,但我认为这是值得的。如果不能从各地把最优秀的人才带到项目中,你就失去了为客户开发最佳解决方案的机会。我们在DLR Group做得很好的一件事是跨办公室和跨地区,在全球范围内进行合作。当疫情爆发时,办公场所关闭,每个人都不得不回家工作。这对我们来说并不困难,因为我们已经有了跨办公室远程协作的经验。作为一名国际总监,我现在的部分工作就是确保这一点继续保持。不同的时区可能是一个问题,也可能是一种优势。我们在上海办事处帮助美国项目。通常在工作日结束时与美国团队联系,分享进展,然后他们在上海员工睡觉时上班。我们能够来回传递项目工作,而且非常高效。正如我之前提到的,这依赖于双方强有力的沟通。如果做得好,你可以在任何项目上获得最好的人才,并取得最好的结果。

Leading a multinational team is hard work, but I think it's worth the effort. If you cannot bring the best talent to a project from wherever they sit, you lose an opportunity to develop the best solutions for your clients.  One of the things we do very well at DLR Group is collaborating across offices, regions and globally.  When the pandemic erupted, offices shut down and everyone had to go home to work.  This was not difficult for us because we already have experience working collaboratively and remotely across offices. Part of my job now, as an international director, is to make sure that's maintained. Different time zones can be a problem or an advantage. We help U.S. projects in our Shanghai office. Typically at the end of the work day we connect with U.S. teams, share progress, and then they go to work while the Shanghai staff sleeps.  We are able to pass the project efforts back and forth, and it's very efficient. As I mentioned before, this relies on strong communication both ways.  When done well, you can get the best talent on any project and achieve the best results.


It is also about listening.  I also love the difference in perception and the cultural differences of our global staff. For example, It would be presumptuous of me to think that my understanding of Chinese culture is the same as someone born and raised in that culture. So, the knowledge and experience of our Chinese staff adds value to our projects in the region and unique insights into projects in other parts of the world.  I get very excited when we have multinational teams working together on projects. A few years ago, I was working on a very big project in Riyadh. I had people from 20 different countries working for me. There are subtle differences in how they each saw things through the lens of their culture, in how they behaved and what the expectations were with each other and for the project.  This added to the value of the work they produced and made the work and project much more interesting.



The era of digital architecture has arrived. Has the integration of architecture and technology changed the requirements for professional skills? How can practitioners cope with this change?

Kevin:数字技术的变化非常快,我们别无选择,只能跟上,它正在改变开发设计和交付设计的方式。比如参数化建模,Dynamo,Rhino 和Grasshopper这些工具正变得越来越普遍。我们还进入了研发和数据科学领域,公司中有几位数据科学家帮助我们分析公司内部的数据,然后与研究团队合作,帮助我们更好地了解客户。我们创建了综合实践论坛,定期举行会议,讨论我们使用的技术、设计工具和流程、行业创新,并确保我们在公司的所有学科中保持协调。还有一个设计技术小组,其职责是识别、开发和推进我们行业中正在使用的新的尖端技术,并决定我们如何将这些技术整合到公司中。我们还通过名为DLR Group Campus的内部平台为员工提供多个主题的培训,以跟上这些趋势。我们不能让我们的员工不接受最新技术、工具和流程的培训,否则我们将被甩在后面。

Digital technology is changing so fast that we have no choice but to keep up and it is changing the way design is developed and delivered. Tools such as parametric modeling, Dynamo, Rhino, and Grasshopper are becoming more prevalent. We have also moved into research and development and data science, with a couple of data scientists in the company who help us analyze data within the company and then working with research teams to help us better understand our customers. We created the Integrated Practice Forum, which meets regularly to discuss technology, design tools and processes we use, industry innovations, and to make sure we stay coordinated across all disciplines in the firm. There is also a design technology group whose role is to identify, develop and advance new and cutting-edge technologies that are being used in our industry and determine how we integrate those in our company. We also provide training for our employees across many topics to keep up with these trends, with our internal platform called DLR Group Campus.  We cannot afford to have our staff not trained on the latest technologies, tools and processes, otherwise we would be left behind.


This puts more pressure on professionals. It's not just a design problem, it's also a tool problem. Another interesting thing is the impact these tools have on the design process, because every tool we create, every medium, has its limitations. AutoCAD, for example, requires a certain degree of precision but lacked the creative fluidity that we could achieve with pencils on paper. Then Revit came along with the ability to model and render in 3D.  This enabled us to create complex models that were very compelling but can give you a false sense of reality.  A design may look real but be very difficult or expensive to build.  These tools freed us in a way, but it also brought challenges.


For a long time, I've been looking at how the tools we use influence our design process and what we ultimately conceive. What we create as architects is a structure that we must live in. It can be expressive and interesting, but it must follow some basic rules, such as stability, durability and safety. So going back to what this means for professionals, it's about staying current with emerging design trends. Our  services are becoming more specialized, such as in acoustics and lighting, commissioning, energy modeling, high performance design, sustainability, and wellness. This requires more and more knowledge by design professionals that they can apply to projects to add value for clients.


DLR has a high reputation in the industry. How to maintain and enhance the brand image?

Kevin:我们在每一个项目上都信守品牌承诺,并保持良好的声誉和形象。这在我们的DNA中根深蒂固,从我到其他领导者,这是我们所有团队成员的共同期望。我们不仅关注排名或奖项,还积极征求并考虑我们的忠实客户的反馈,定期对他们进行调研。在美国,我们使用一种被称为净推荐值(NPS)的标准,各行各业的许多大公司都使用该标准来衡量其客户满意度。我们重视回访客户一些简单的问题,比如,你会把DLR Group介绍给同事吗?你会再次回到DLR Group吗?我们关注这一点,不仅为了赢得奖项,满意的客户会达成多次的合作,而更换一个客户比通过重复的项目留住一个好客户困难得多。

We live up to our brand promise on every project and uphold a sterling reputation and image. This is ingrained in our DNA and a universal expectation among all of our team members, from myself to our other leaders. We don't just focus on rankings or awards, but also actively solicit and take into account feedback from our loyal customers, who we routinely survey. In the US, we use a standard known as the Net Promoter Score (NPS), which many large companies across various industries utilize to gauge their customer satisfaction levels. We particularly value return visits from clients who pose simple questions, such as, would you refer DLR Group to a colleague? Would you go back to DLR Group again? We pay attention to this not only to win awards. Satisfied customers often results in repeat work. Replacing a customer is much more difficult than keeping a good customer through repeated projects.


We also realize that the satisfaction and contentment of our employees are crucial to our success. Accordingly, we regularly survey them to determine whether they are receiving ample training, mentoring and focusing their abilities into projects that excite them. We always look for opportunities to foster their professional growth, because we want to ensure that we retain the best talent in the industry. Ultimately, we believe that this is what allows us to maintain our brand image – by always striving to do the best job possible and keeping both our customers and our employees happy.

Q6: DLR是世界上少数的百分百由员工持股的建筑设计公司,DLR的核心价值观是什么?

DLR Group, a 100% employee-owned global integrated design firm. What are the DLR Group’s core values?


There aren't very many companies in the US who are employee-owned. This was one of the ideas that founders, Dana, Larson and Roubal, had in mind as they prepared to retire and wanted to preserve a legacy for their employees, leaving something that employees could be proud of. We now have more than 1,400 employees, nearly 900 of whom own stock in the company and have the personal motivation to ensure they do the best job for their customers. So along with establishing employee stock ownership, they did set some core values for the company. Those were commitment, creativity, environmental stewardship, fun, integrity, ownership, sharing, and teamwork.


Ownership means that as a member of DLR Group, we want people to feel a deeper sense of responsibility and family. Some of the profits we make each year go back to our employees, and every employee in the company, whether they own stock or not, we give a portion of that as a contribution to their retirement. We also use some of our profits to reinvest in our staff for training, staff development, tools, and innovations.  We invest in our future.


Environmental stewardship. I mentioned that one, that's a big one for us. We are one of the original signatories of the Architecture 2030 initiative, which is about a commitment to carbon neutrality by achieving the goal of carbon neutrality for all new buildings by 2030. Therefore, we track and monitor how well we're doing on that goal every year with other big companies.


How to maintain an innovative and leading position in the fierce competition of the industry?


We need to stay true to who we are, and in my opinion, staying innovative and ahead of the curve is through the unique value and strengths that we bring to the project. I think if you try to chase everything that's out there in front of you, you are pursuing a race to the bottom.  We never want to be that type of firm.  Our goal is always to add value to our clients and projects and earn our fees through the quality of our work, not merely from the volume of the work we do.


Every time we go to a new place, it takes a lot of work to get people to understand who our team is and what we do. Stick to what we're good at, and then carefully and strategically decide what else we can do and where we can add value and explore, because we're not static. We look for opportunities to expand our work around our existing expertise.  For example, we have hired data scientists to leverage the volume of design data we create, and we have hired software consultants to help us write programs and create tools that use internally, as well as in support of client needs.

上海市第一妇婴保健院 - 国际医疗部,1500平方米室内设计项目(左右滑动查看更多)

Q8:DLR 未来在中国的策略。

Future strategy in China.


We have been slowly building our brand in China around significant competitions, large projects and completed work.  With more completed work in China today, we are now expanding our PR efforts to share our expertise and capabilities in the region.  Our focus has been and will continue in Cultural projects, Mixed Use projects, and Education projects. I also see opportunities in leisure hospitality and the evolution of workplace spaces.  We are also developing stronger ties to our Middle East office to leverage the talent and resources in both locations.  Lastly, we are expanding our services in the region in Master Planning and specialty services, such as Lab Planning.  Through all of these I see us carefully growing with high quality staff who can best serve the select projects and clients we pursue.


Now, we have a lot of project opportunities in China, but we're not a household name yet. We're ranked 9th in the world and are one of the top firms in the US. We work across many sectors, and we're ranked either one or two in a number of our sectors globally.  We've had great success, but until recently most of our success has been in the United States se we are less well known internationally. Therefore, it is part of my job is to help get the word out, which is why I'm really happy to have this conversation with you.


What is your opinion on China's construction industry and your expectations for the future.


I recently had to write a report to our Board of Directors on my views and recommendations on China and Asia. Everything I've seen suggests that the industry is back on track. All forecasters are predicting an 8% growth in the construction industry, which is very robust. The targeted and forecasted GDP for China this year is 5%.  While this is down from previous years, it is still a significant percentage given the size of the Chinese economy.  I believe there are many opportunities in China, although it is important to understand the Chinese market because it is not easy to win work and be successful.


When I looked around Shanghai I see a large and vibrant city that is functioning well.  There are construction cranes everywhere, construction is happening. China is an important economy and so we just want find ways to contribute and have our opportunity to be part of it.  So, I'm optimistic.  I know it's a challenge, but I'm optimistic about the future of China's construction industry.

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