阅读:2164 2023-11-10


On the evening of November 9th at 7 pm, the "Excellence in Architecture" event was successfully held in Shanghai, inviting four newly elevated AIA college of fellows:Wu Jiang, Jiang Ping, Yuan Feng and Huang Xiangming. They had an in-depth exchange and discussion with professionals from the architectural industry.

会场及签到处 Venue and Check-in Area(左右滑动查看更多Slide to see more)

ARCHINA建筑中国创始人、主编吴磊先生,主持活动并作欢迎致辞 Wu Lei, founder and chief editor of ARCHINA, hosted the event and delivered a welcome speech

朱凯女士介绍美国建筑师协会院士计划的背景 Kathy, Chairman of AIA Shanghai 2022, introduces the background of the American Institute of Architects Fellowship Program

FAIA是美国建筑师协会院士(Fellow of the American Institute of Architects)的缩写,用来表彰在建筑领域作出杰出贡献的建筑师。获得FAIA头衔是一个重要的荣誉,代表着建筑师在专业、领导力、道德操守等方面的杰出表现。成为AIA院士是对建筑师卓越职业生涯的承认,通常需要在建筑领域有显著的影响和贡献,以及对AIA和建筑社区的积极参与。

FAIA stands for "Fellow of the American Institute of Architects," which is an honorific title awarded by the American Institute of Architects (AIA). AIA Fellows are recognized for their outstanding contributions to the field of architecture. Achieving the title of FAIA is a significant honor and reflects an architect^s exceptional professional achievements, leadership, ethical standards, and contributions to the architecture community.


After receiving the FAIA title, architects are often recognized as experts in the field of architecture and have the opportunity to be more deeply involved in AIA activities and advocate for the advancement of the architecture industry. This title reflects a high level of professional reputation and achievement in the field of architecture.

伍江荣誉院士以视频形式作主题分享,讲述了他对建筑学,建筑师的理解,并分享了长三角生态绿色一体化发展示范区-水乡客厅近零碳专项规划  Jiang Wu, Hon. FAIA, share the theme in the form of a video, sharing his understanding of architecture and architects, and sharing the near zero carbon special plan for the Yangtze River Delta Ecological Green Integration Development Demonstration Zone - Shuixiang Living Room

姜平院士以“重塑环境身份”为主题作分享” Ping Jiang, FAIA, "Reimagining Environmental Identity"

袁烽荣誉院士,以“情感建造一后人文建构实践”为主题作分享 Prof. Philip F YUAN, Hon. FAIA, Tongji University,“Fabricating Emotions: Practice on Post-humanistic Tectonics”

黄向明荣誉院士围绕“人本+创新,在快速变迁的城市环境中践行设计”为主题作分享 Huang Xiangming, Hon. FAIA, "HUMAN-CENTRIC+INNOVATIVE, DESIGN IN  A RAPID CHANGING URBAN CONTEXT"


The sharing of the four newly elevated Fellows sparked a lively discussion among the on-site audience. They delved into the development trends, new technology applications, and how to promote sustainable development in the construction industry.

圆桌对话环节,由魏文梅女士主持 Round Table Discussion and Q&A, chaired by May, Vice Chairman of AIA Shanghai 2024

参会观众就对话主题积极提问 Attendees ask questions about the conversation theme(左右滑动查看更多 slide to see more)


This dialogue not only provides an opportunity for professionals in the construction industry to learn and communicate, but also injects new impetus into the sustainable development of the construction industry.

活动现场 Event Site

徐海默先生,为活动做总结发言 AIA 2023/24 Chapter Treasurer Hemmer Xu , summary for the event

嘉宾合影留念 Group Photo


"Excellence in Architecture" event held by ARCHINA is undoubtedly an industry event. The event is not only a celebration of the honor of the four academicians, but also represents a leading trend in the field of architecture. It has strengthened internal communication and cooperation in the construction industry, showcasing the infinite possibilities and potential opportunities for its future development, injecting new impetus and vitality into the sustainable development of the construction industry.


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