澳大利亚皮姆帕玛运动中心 | 普利斯设计集团placedesigngroup
阅读:2155 2022-07-23



Pimpama Sports Hub


在过去的财政年里, 超过2300人决定搬到黄金海岸的皮姆帕玛郊区(数据源于澳大利亚统计局),该地区成为了全澳除州首府外,人口增长最多的地区。皮姆帕玛运动中心的落成恰到时机。普利斯设计集团与 Liquid Blu 建筑事务所和黄金海岸市政府合作,在当地打造了一个体育运动天堂。作为该市有史以来最大的社区基础设施项目,它是一个精彩的综合性体育、娱乐和社区中心。

Boasting the largest regional population growth (outside of capital cities) during the past financial year, with more than 2,300 people deciding to make the move to Pimpama on the Gold Coast (Australian Bureau of Statistics), it appears that Pimpama Sports Hub could not have come at a better time. Place Design Group have partnered with Liquid Blu Architects and the City of Gold Coast to create a local sporting haven. As the largest ever community infrastructure project delivered by the city, it is a wonderful state of the art integrated sports, recreation and community hub.

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This 14-hectare site, formerly Heritage Park, has been transformed into a new destination for the growth corridor. Officially opening to the public in December 2021, after five years in the making, the precinct is expected to see more than 750,000 people walk through its doors in the first year.

普利斯设计集团设计经理 Michael Mitchell 制定了开放空间公园和体育设施的总体规划方案。“超越传统体育活动,增加社区服务是该项目场所营造策略的根本。通达性、安全性和舒适度是设计过程中的关键驱动因素,也是创造一个包容性休闲区域的关键。”

Michael Mitchell, Design Manager at Place Design Group developed the schematic master plan for the open space parkland and sporting facilities. "Increasing the community offer beyond the traditional sports within the precincts open space was fundamental to the projects place-making strategy. Access, safety and amenity were key drivers behind the design process and fundamental in creating an inclusive recreational precinct."

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"The $94 million project incorporates five swimming pools, eight tennis courts, a netball centre, community parklands and event spaces. The design of this regional sporting facility and community parkland precinct is within a major urban growth corridor on the Gold Coast and forms not only an important infrastructural development for the area, but also an important social hub for the adjoining communities. The design not only focuses on traditional sports but also the infill activities incorporating passive recreation uses for all age groups and abilities," says Michael.

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Phase One opened in February 2021 which included a netball centre, community playground and an outdoor event space with a natural amphitheatre. Phase Two's state-of-the-art aquatic centre houses five swimming pools (including a 50-metre pool), a community centre with multi-purpose meeting spaces, a fitness centre and tennis facilities. A walking trail, extensive landscaping and a café to ensure that all visitors can spend more leisurely time in the precinct.

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Sustainability and accessibility were key to the entire design, with up to 50 per cent of the hub's power generated on site. The design also responds directly to the remnant bushland on the site and features a natural watercourse through its centre and a 1km walking track that winds through a treetop style boardwalk. A true benchmark for the future rollout of integrated aquatic, fitness and community hubs across the Gold Coast in coming years.






建筑设计:Liquid Blu



Pimpama Sports Hub

Location: Gold Coast, QLD, Australia

Project size: 140,000㎡

Client: City of Gold Coast

Landscape design: Place Design Group

Architectural design: Liquid Blu Architects

Images © Place Design Group

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