三亚疗养度假酒店 | neriandhu如恩设计
阅读:2124 2023-10-25


—— 伊塔罗·卡尔维诺《看不见的城市》

Arriving at each new city, the traveler finds again a past of his that he did not know he had: the foreignness of what you no longer are or no longer possess lies in wait for you in foreign, unpossessed places.

― Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities

项目影片 Project Video

鸟瞰图 Aerial view


建筑外部 Exterior

The Sanya Wellness Retreat is located in Haitang Bay on Hainan Island, a popular resort destination in China. Neri&Hu's design is inspired by the ancient Chinese walled city, elevated on a heavy plinth, it is usually surrounded by water for protection. As such the hotel is defined by two parts, the wooden dwelling comprising guest rooms perches atop a masonry base that contains all the public spaces below.

内部水景庭院 Water courtyard


Two L-shaped building volumes come together to form a water courtyard, the central feature from which all the hotel's public amenities spread and emanate outwards. 

户外大堂 Arrival lobby


接待大堂 Reception

The lobby becomes a garden landscape with a floating lantern hovering above that allows a gentle light to filter in, and with the soft breeze that flows through, guests are immediately transported to a relaxed state of mind for appreciating the slow pace of island life. At the same time, the ceilings here are lowered and suppressed in order to simultaneously frame views outward to the azure seas beyond. 

餐饮区域 F&B areas

如恩试图在设计中融入这片土地的集体记忆、文化与自然元素,勾勒出海南的“场所精神”(genius loci)。

At every given opportunity, the design tries to embody the genius loci of Hainan, to blend elements from the island's collective memory, culture and natural features. 

餐饮区域 F&B areas


上:宴会厅 | 下:接待厅 

Above: ballroom | Below: reception hall

Tapping into local craftsmanship, the masonry walls which envelop the lower levels are clad with handmade clay bricks, while the fabrics and rugs are inspired by textile arts of the Li minority tribe. The technique of soaking and pressing bamboo is also employed as a building material, with woven rattan and yellow bronze accents to enhance the layers to the project.

客房 Guest rooms


For the guest rooms, each unit is conceived as an individual wooden hut that contains functional amenities such as the washrooms. In the negative space between the wooden boxes lies the sleeping and relaxing zones, including the ocean view balconies. 

走道 Corridors


走道 Corridors

The alternating rhythm between solid and void, the angled walls and textured material expression, all contribute to a dynamic façade that is constantly playing with light and shadow. The corridor between the bedroom units becomes an urban streetscape, an alley where people can traverse and enjoy chance encounters, as such are the delights of being a traveler.


Customized furniture by Neri&Hu


To complete the design, Neri&Hu was also responsible for the custom design of more than two hundred furniture pieces in public area and guest rooms, including the dining tables and chairs, lamps and among others.











协理(建筑项目经理): 黄永福


设计团队:Federico Saralvo, 陈健全, 叶昭甫, 金丹燕, Rashi Jain, 谢宜加, Fergus Davis, 林世罗, 李金龙, 张世齐, 黄多卿, Valentina Brunetti, Kim-Lou Monnier, 张楠, 李冠霖,吴爽,江倩欣, 李燕宁, 沈可涵, 汪孟洋, 张念山, 郭瑞歌, 高翔宇, Callum Holgate, 王海明, 矫艳, 吉超, 郭上毅, 李豫, 余琪晨韵, 石纯煜, 王志康, 宋贞泰, Nicolas Fardet, 金洙诺, 生茵, 辛海鸥, 黄惠子, 王吕齐眺








灯光:照奕恒 照明设计(北京)有限公司










Walled City

Sanya Wellness Retreat

Location: Sanya, China

Year: 2016-2022

Client: Taikang Life Insurance Co.,Ltd.

Project type: architecture, interior, product and graphic design

Program: hotel 

Site area:83,000 sqm

Partners-in-charge: Lyndon Neri, Rossana Hu

Associate Director in-charge (architecture): Ziyi Cao

Associate (architecture project manager): Fong Win Huang

Associate-in-charge (interior): Sanif Xu

Design Team: Federico Saralvo, Chris Chen, Chaofu Yeh, Danyan Jin, Rashi Jain, Lina Lee, Fergus Davis, Sela Lim, Jinlong Li, Shiqi Zhang, Dakyung Hwang, Valentina Brunetti, Kim-Lou Monnier, Heather Zhang, Guanlin Lee, Vanessa Wu, Lisa Kong, Cheri Lee, Ashley Kehan Shen, Mengyang Wang, Nianshan Zhang, Gloria Guo, Kevin Gao, Callum Holgate, Haiming Wang, Jean Jiao, Ji Chao, Jerry Kuo, Echo Li, Yoki Yu, Amber Shi, Zhikang Wang, Matthew Sung, Nicolas Fardet, Junho Jeon, Sheng Yin, Haiou Xin, July Huang, Lyuqitiao Wang

Architecture design: Neri&Hu Design and Research Office

Interior design: Neri&Hu Design and Research Office

Product design: Neri&Hu Design and Research Office


Local Design Institute (architecture): Beijing Institute of Architectural Design Co., LTD

Local Design Institute (interior): Beijing Libeiya Architectural Decoration Engineering Co., LTD

Façade: Schmidlin Shanghai Co., LTD

Lighting: J+B Studios Architectural Lighting Design (Beijing) Co., LTD

Landscape: L&A Design (conceptual scheme), Arktree Landscape Design Co., LTD. (in-depth design)

Signage: Corlette Design (Shanghai) Co., LTD


General Contractor (construction): China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp., LTD

General Contractor (interior): Shenzhen Cheng Chung Design Co., LTD. (public area), Shenzhen Grandland Group Co., LTD. (guest room), Zhejiang Yasha Decoration Engineering Co., LTD. (guest room)

Façade (bamboo): Dasso (public area), Seamboo (guest room), BMF Material (guest room)

Façade (clay bricks): Yixing Hete Technology (ceramics) Co., LTD

Photos: Chen Hao

Video: Jeremiah Neri Studio

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