海口中海·明德里 | 道合设计
阅读:3090 2023-11-06

Hainan's Green




In Hainan, green is everywhere and it is a distinctive feature of Hainan.

Green is the truest color of original nature. Lush forests, dense jungles and various green leafy plants constitute Hainan's unique green landscape.



In terms of landscape color tone, choosing from the green tone of Hainan is a deep color expression of the desire to return to nature.


Urban Naturalism




In modern cities, nature is the most expensive "luxury". "You can enjoy the beauty of mountains and rivers without leaving the city walls, and you can feel the beauty of spiritual springs while living in a busy city."

Tall and rich trees define the circulation line, create a private and stable "green roof", and eliminate the oppression of the building. The sunshine is free, the grass is spread on the ground, and the vegetation is sparse. Use a relaxed state to take over the complexity of the day, listen to the "green" of the wind; take a leisurely step, feel the spread of greenery of different shades, and explore the power of growth.

Small-scale community landscape construction practice




明德里建筑围合成约 2700 ㎡的中庭空间,庭院高差 3.5m,顶板结构复杂。唯一的核心庭院被高层建筑包裹,建筑锐利的线条让空间硬朗缺乏柔和感,置身其中较为压抑。

The Mindeli building encloses an atrium space of about 2,700 square meters. The height difference of the courtyard is 3.5m, and the roof structure is complex. The only core courtyard is wrapped by high-rise buildings. The sharp lines of the buildings make the space tough and lack softness, making it more depressing when you are in it.


During the planning process, we drew inspiration from the Nanjing Mustard Seed Garden. Although the mustard seed garden is less than three acres, it has the artistic conception of "heaven and earth in a pot". The design draws on the atrium space formation of the large and small gardens of the Mustard Seed Garden, which are nested in each other. Without deliberately pursuing a sense of form, the design uses Hainan’s unique plants to create a wonderfully changing tropical garden.



Garden Courtyard Entrance



The entrance of the community creates a relaxing garden atmosphere through plant space and water features. After entering the park through the transformation of the garden courtyard, you can experience the experience of returning home from prosperity to tranquility.



Migratory Central Three-dimensional Garden


利用场地高差打造热带立体式花园,营造园中有园,可观、可赏、可游、可居的多维中心游园体验。巧妙运用 “以小见大,一步一景” 的设计手法,在方正的小空间内,迂回转折的花园式流线,让体验空间更加丰富。

The height difference of the site is used to create a tropical three-dimensional garden, creating a multi-dimensional central garden experience where there is a garden within the garden, which can be viewed, admired, visited and lived in. Cleverly using the design technique of "seeing the big from the small, one step at a time", the circuitous garden-style streamlines in the small square space enrich the experience space.


The design introduces nature and light into a small plot of land, and a relatively open lawn activity space is set up in the core area of the atrium with the most sunlight, which is also the area where social activities are most concentrated. We used the surrounding area to set up hanging pavilions and resting garden spaces. The light weaves together different spaces and times.




Wandering in a small space is perfect, stepping into the lush courtyard to find a corner of inner peace, or entering in front of the hanging pavilion, or in the resting garden, or in the natural forest path, all dimensions are freehand and endless artistic conception, showing a sense of three-dimensional and ethereal. . Wander here for the comfort of a micro vacation and feel the healing and nourishment brought by slow time.




People can look for the sun-dappled shadows of trees in the community garden and feel the leisurely chatting under the green trees. Walking through the layers of green courtyards, you can explore the true meaning of elegant and luxurious life. The relaxed and comfortable space atmosphere is the paradise we expect in the bustling city.





Diverse Exclusive Entrance Garden



An exclusive home-entry leisure garden is set up for each home, and the definition of the indoor lobby is extended to the garden to form a unique garden home experience. The scene of returning home is wrapped in flowing space, and openness is created in a limited space with rich spatial density and walking experience.

Compound Parent-child Companion Garden



Combining the height difference between the overhead layer and the outdoor venue, a parent-child companionship garden integrated inside and outside is created, which not only meets the semi-indoor parent-child interaction and companionship, but also meets the outdoor activity needs of children of different ages, forming an interesting space for children to explore. The fresh and healing macaron candy color carries the joy of parent-child time.





Create Ingenuity With Craftsmanship



Designers cooperated repeatedly on site and communicated with Party A's team and construction team many times to grasp the effect from various aspects such as construction technology and plant selection. A natural community garden that returns to natural elegance, poetic tranquility, represents a new form of urban vacation, guides people to return to the true nature of life, and explores the balance between luxury and tranquility.



Project Information






设计团队:杨林 高勇 龙雁玲 郑胜华  张子龙 闫先先 赵磊 林君韬 李莉 王璐婷 罗辉超  吴帆 潘雪飞 李东书 孙玲玲 段厚银 马藤心 朱礼霞


甲方团队:刘春雁 蔡深斌 黄莹



摄影 : 雪尔摄影

Project name: China Overseas Mindli

Project location: Haikou

Owner: Haikou Haiying Investment Co., Ltd.

Landscape area: 14858㎡

Host design: Deng Renjun

Design team: Yang Lin, Gao Yong, Long Yanling, Zheng Shenghua, , Zhang Zilong, Yan Xianxian,Zhao Lei, Lin Juntao, Li Li, Wang Luting, Luo Huichao, Wu Fan, Pan Xuefei, Li Dongshu, Sun Lingling, Duan Houyin, Ma Tengxin, Zhu Lixia

Quality service: He Shenxiong

Party A’s team: Liu Chunyan, Cai Shenbin, Huang Ying

Landscape Engineering: Guangzhou Huayuan Garden Co., Ltd.

Tweet planning and writing: Daohe Brand Department

Photography: Sher Photography

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