美国波士顿联邦码头 | SHL建筑事务所
阅读:5198 2020-10-30



The prominent 65,500-square-metre mixed-use project, will enhance urban life in the city’s bustling Seaport District, drawing more visitors to its vibrant new waterfront destination.


Construction has begun on the redesign of Boston’s Seaport World Trade Center, an expansive mixed-use development on historic Commonwealth Pier in the city’s Seaport District. 

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Designed by Schmidt Hammer Lassen, the adaptive reuse project will introduce new ways to explore and engage with the waterfront. These include a public plaza, an enhanced Harborwalk, retail, and first-class Seaport Hotel event and meeting spaces, as well as a unique, flexible workplace. 


International real estate developer Pembroke turned to Schmidt Hammer Lassen, along with Boston-based architectural firm CBT, to honor the site’s historic integrity while also introducing new materials, increasing daylight, and providing new points of connectivity. 

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Commonwealth Pier was built more than 100 years ago and was once the largest of its kind in the world. The revitalization project, which is targeting LEED Gold Certification, incorporates advanced design strategies for resilience and sustainability to ensure the pier’s continued enjoyment for generations to come. 

“我们很高兴看到这个改造项目正式开工建设,这意味着联邦码头的复兴计划又向前迈了一大步。本次改造将使码头重新融入这片繁荣的社区,成为这里的一个全新目的地,” Pembroke设计与开发部资深副总裁Andre Dankwerth说道,“本次复兴改造将使这座历史悠久的地标建筑重获新生,通过为波士顿打造独特的滨水体验,将码头港口和临近社区重新连结起来。”

“We’re thrilled to start construction and take another step forward with our revitalization of Commonwealth Pier. This project reintroduces the Pier as a new destination in what has become a thriving neighborhood,” said Andrew Dankwerth, Senior Vice President, Design & Development at Pembroke. “This revitalization will bring new life to this iconic building, reconnecting it to the harbor and the neighborhood by creating a unique waterfront experience for Boston.” 

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“在联邦码头改造方案的设计过程中,我们一直保持着仔细和谨慎。”SHL合伙人、设计总监Kristian Ahlmark说, “我们带着好奇心和严谨的态度着手这个项目,仔细评估了我们认为需要保护的重要遗产——建筑遗产和文化遗产。在这个过程中,通过与Pembroke以及其他咨询顾问之间的密切合作,我们得以与这座建筑进行了持续的跨时空交流。”

“In our approach to the Commonwealth Pier’s transformation we have tried to be mindful and meticulous,” said Kristian Ahlmark, Partner and Design Director at Schmidt Hammer Lassen. “We approached the place with curiosity and precision, and carefully assessed what we found important to preserve – both architecturally and culturally. We engaged in a continuous conversation with the building throughout the process, which was done in close collaboration with Pembroke and the many great consultants that have been a part of this journey.”


 A Dynamic Public Space 


Schmidt Hammer Lassen’s design of the site includes enhanced outdoor spaces and public amenities, including courtyards, walkways, green spaces, and a grand waterfront plaza. The plaza will become the pier’s central gathering point, providing a flexible outdoor space for year-round activities. It will feature, tree plantings, custom seating, and areas for moveable tables and chairs.  

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The Harborwalk, a popular paved pedestrian path along Boston Harbor, runs along the site’s perimeter and views to downtown Boston, East Boston, and the Boston Harbor. There, too, Schmidt Hammer Lassen designed spaces to accommodate custom seating, integrated planters, and outdoor lighting—all of which will allow for a dynamic visitor experience.

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Niches in the building’s façade will provide additional public seating, shaded areas, and connectivity to retail and dining. 

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 Preserving Boston’s Maritime Past 


Schmidt Hammer Lassen’s design intent for Commonwealth Pier is to preserve the building’s unique heritage while making it a highly attractive modern-day destination. The stone arches and cornice of the historic neo-classical headhouse will remain intact. The façade of the building’s northern extension will include exposed columns and column connections from the original structure. With the introduction of curtain wall and other lightweight materials, the building will integrate seamlessly into its neighborhood context. 

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“When working on an existing structure, the most significant architectural statement is often made through what is left untouched or enhanced. This project has been about unleashing the inherent potential of the building as a natural gathering point and an urban living room of the entire seaport district.” explained Ahlmark.

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Commonwealth Pier is Schmidt Hammer Lassen’s second U.S. project. In December 2018, the practice’s mixed-use Monroe Blocks project in Detroit, Michigan broke ground, and in 2020, it announced an expansion into North America in partnership with its parent firm, Perkins&Will.

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梦露街区综合开发 / 美国底特律

Monroe Blocks / Detroit, USA

 项目概况 Facts 

规模 Size

65,500 m²

竞赛 Competition


2017, International invited competition

状态 Status


Construction of Commonwealth Pier is expected to complete in 2024

业主 Client


施工方 Build Contractor


建筑设计 Design Architect

Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects

当地事务所 Executive Architect

CBT Architects

景观顾问 Landscape Architect

IBI Placemaking

工程顾问 Engineer

Thornton Tomasetti (结构 Structure)

Arup (机电 MEP, 可持续性 Sustainability)

可持续性 Sustainability


Targeting LEED Version 4 Gold Certification

效果图 Visuals

Cityscape Digital for Pembroke

Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects

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